The PayToo Mobile Wallet platform is a great way to store and use your funds, but sharing your information could make you a victim of fraudulent scams. People will try to have you transfer funds or give them your account information.  PayToo will never ask for this information in an email or send you a link to a website.
For your protection PayToo has prepared a list of suggestions to help keep your information safe and scam free:
  • NEVER share your PayToo Wallet information including:
    • Username and/or password
    • Account Number
    • 6 digit security code
    • Prepaid card PIN
  • Be sure to know who you are transferring funds to and have several ways to contact them.
  • Beware of unexpected emails or calls on behalf of PayToo. Contact PayToo to confirm the information before responding.
  • Do not click on links with special characters such as %$*^#.  An exampe of a safe and scam free URL is:
  • Beware of emails containing links with grammatical errors. If it doesn’t look valid, it is likely to be a scam.
  • Discard emails offering jobs or money.  If they use a public email address (I.E: @hotmail or @yahoo) they are less likely to be official.
  • When using vouchers from GreenDot, MoneyPak, UKASH, or other PayToo partner be sure to keep receipt information private.  Funds from a voucher are not insured against loss.
Always be on alert and protect yourself from fraudulent scams.  PayToo is not responsible for theft if you choose to share your information.  
Help us fight fraud!
If you think you have fallen victim to a scam or fraudulent act, please contact us immediately.  Send an email to or
You can protect others from scams by reporting any such activity to the proper authorities.